help for getting out of debt and financial coaching
Today, Forward Financial Group does Debt Elimination Plans for tens of thousands of families across the United States. These plans involve much more than just a refinance, which is what most companies offer as a band-aid solution, but rather our plan involves every aspect of your financial picture. And the best part is they don’t charge a thing. That’s right! Their services are simple, hassle-free, and completely free of charge.
track your spending
track your spending
Every Dollar
Create budgets, track spending and save money with ease. Use EveryDollar’s zero-based budgeting method to give every dollar a job, just like bestselling author and money expert Dave Ramsey teaches. Because you work hard for your money—your money should work hard for you. Every. Single. Dollar.
Ask why before
you buy
If your kids watch TV, they’ll probably see lots of commercials. If they see lots of commercials, they’ll probably want what’s being advertised. And if they want it, you’re going to hear, “I want that!”How can you teach your children the difference between needs and wants? Start by training your kids to ask why before you buy.
Share. Save. Spend.
Spending money comes naturally to almost everyone. But what about saving and sharing – how can we teach our children to make that more automatic? Well, our Share, Save, Spend tool is a fun way for kids to get in the habit of using their money wisely.
☞ I was broke, now I'm not (website)
Additional resources to help you accomplish far more than you ever thought possible with your personal finances.
☞ BOOK: Managing God’s Money (by Randy Alcorn)
In a simple, easy-to-follow format, Randy Alcorn addresses exactly what the Bible says about how we should handle the money and possessions God owns and entrusts to our management.